This is a tidal flat. The highest zone where tides influence and shape the life and color of the land. In the winter, at the highest tides and during storm surge these flats will flood and salt water invades this landscape. The grass dies back and stumps soak up salt and moisture which aid in their decomposition. Shades of brown dominate and decay abounds. As Spring comes and the weather calms and tides soften, the nutrients left from winter decay give rise to vibrant color. Now the grass begins its resurgence. Wild flowers push up and express themselves for a time and birds heading north come and go among the exuberance. Its a cycle, yet at any moment you can see the touch of water and even perceive its past and future effects.
I know the touch of water in my life too. At one time or another it floods in and devastates. At other times I thirst for the expanse of ocean and its over whelming enormity. And still, occasionally I know the sweet, resuscitating joy of a deep drink, a cool mist or a refreshing plunge.
These tidal images speak of the complexity of faith and life. They remind me to hope. They say, "live in the challenges of today and strain forward for the gifts of tomorrow." "Be in the moment taking in the character of all that has been and all this is to come." In these reminders I find the threads of a life of faith. In these reminders I find hints and clues to the fingerprints of God. I see them in the landscape and upon the character of my life and relationships. In the touch of water -- life, death and rebirth flow to us from the heart of God.