Sunday, June 21, 2009

Preparing for the Journey

Journal entry Date: March 23, 2007

I walked today, with Jenny, in the woods and in preparation for walking for weeks along the Camino (Spanish for “the way”). When we began today, the rain came as an intrusion and disruption, an annoyance and a problem to protect against. The showers meant pulling out the rain gear and keeping out the wet, how will the rain and the trail make muddy the problems ahead?

Not long later I noticed Jenny, seemed to care little of the discomfort. She was more focused on the trail and the way and the next discovery. I wondered about Spain and the rain on the plains, and how I would travel there when it was wet. What gifts and awareness, learning’s or hardships will come?

As the afternoon walked along, I noticed another change… in me. Instead of a posture of protecting myself from the rain, as we do when we run inside when the sprinkles begin. Now, the rain was more part of the pleasure of going. It too was becoming part of the adventure and fun of walking. Even the rain is part of the experience, part of accepting the world around me with great patience and joy. Walking with the rain is learning to let go of how I’m affected and receive the company that comes, even company I might not otherwise have chosen. There is much of life to experience which is good that would otherwise fall outside of my petty, self-centered desire for how things should be. I seldom realize how I shut myself off when I run inside from of the rain.

Perhaps of this journey, which begins from Easter, I can prepare to meet the unchosen fun (the moments I would run from), like the rain; to receive them, to accept them and relish each moment with the invitation it offers.

For now, the droplets come and go in their natural cycle, as the rain clouds pass over, and I walk along too, at my own pace, more accompanied by the clouds and rain rather than running from them. I dance among the droplets as they splash, while I walk and enjoy their falling on and around me… much more like the dog and the joy of the trail.

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